When you do, however, it’s just like navigating an ordinary file menu. This file, interestingly, is smaller in file size than the sum of its parts but needs to have Time Machine open in order to access. Once your backup is complete, you’ll have a Time Machine Backup file saved to your external drive.

The system will continue to do its thing in the background, so feel free to use your computer or do other work around the house. Once you have your external drive plugged in and Time Machine open, you can click to begin your backup. Here, you’ll be able to set your backup preferences before starting, but keep in mind that you’ll need an external hard drive to store your backup. To access it, click the Launchpad icon (rocket ship) from your Dock. This application is called Time Machine and is found right in your application folder. Thankfully, macOS contains a built-in solution for backups that makes it easy to save all your photos prior to organizing them. That’s why we’ve written our guide on the best ways to maintain and organize even the biggest photo collection. As a Mac user, she wanted to know the right way to keep it all together. One of our callers on The Kim Komando Show actually dialed in with this very issue boasting an impressive collection of 45,000 photos across CDs, a phone and a laptop. And considering the fact that our loved ones join us in many of the pictures we take, many of us are hesitant to delete any pictures at all! How, then, are we supposed to organize massive amounts of photos without losing the ones we care about? The only problem is knowing what to delete. Between holidays, special events and daily life, there’s no shortage of moments to take great photos. That said, a collection of photos adds up over time. But now, anyone with a smartphone and a clever eye can make magic happen.
Back in the day, you needed either a physical camera with film or a professional photographer to document cherished memories. One of the greatest things about living in the digital age is the ability to capture any moment instantly with the cameras we keep in our pockets.